Tuesday 13 January 2015

Analysis of language used in Heat magazine

After deconstructing the layout of the front cover and double-spages in Heat I now need to analyse the language they use in order to fully replicate their style. All the content in Heat magazine is about celebrities lives and scandals, fashion, and beauty advice. 

  • The fashion content tends to be the latest red carpet dresses or celebrities that have been caught going out either in a really fashionable or unfashionable outfit that has gained a lot of attention. In all the fashion articles there is always a "high street" style next to the celebrity style, which show that the target audience are of a socioeconomic group (I have already identified that this is C1-D), and that they can only afford  the high street style.
  • The articles, captions, mastheads and sub-heading are all written in a humorous, light-hearted way with the use of some puns and innuendos e.g. "Kar-crashian Fashion". This is because the audience mainly use the magazine for entertainment and this is a good way of attracting and retaining their attention.
  • Informal mode of address using words such as "kids" instead of children, using short-hand words such as "they're" instead of they are, and using swear words "s**t". This is all in cultural context because this is the type of language heat's target audience would mostly likely use, and will therefore identify to the language used in Heat. 
  • Uses 3rd person to connect with the audience and for them to get a sense of personal identity and social interaction (Uses and Gratifications) e.g. "We all know that feeling", "the photos that made us change". 
  • Uses a lot of quotes from celebrities, especially is the story is based on them e.g. daily routines, their opinions on their body image etc. This is also informal. Khloe Kardashian said "I looked massive next to my sisters".
  • When Heat does an article that goes behind the scenes of something, they refer to the reported as 'our insider'. 
As a result of this I will: 
  • Use 1st person somewhere in my article- but primarily 3rd person referring to all the celebrities in TOWIE.  
  • Refer to the reporter as 'our insider'. 
  • Use and informal mode of address to appeal to the target audience.
  • Incorporate humour into the text in my article- and I could even think of a pun to use in the masthead. 
  • Use (make up) a lot of quotes from the stars of TOWIE to make my article feel more real.     

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