Friday 30 January 2015

Analysis of Heat's typeface

In order to recreate Heat's style effectively, I need to ensure I use the same fonts as them to create authenticity and consistency. For this I have used existing analysis of their typeface which I found on the internet- and then font websites which I can eventually download and use for my own print work.  
  • The real extract taken from Heat's article is on the right, and on the left I have replicated their typeface. 
  • For this I used the font 'Franklin Gothic Book' in a size 12, a sans serif font. 
  • As I have already established I am creating the cover story which uses a colour scheme of primarily red, white and black, it is conventional for Heat to enlarge the first letter of the article and put it in a red, square text box.
  • I think my immitation of Heat's typeface looks authentic therefore I will use this font for the main body of the article.  

  • To replicate Heat's logo I will use the font Clarendon. This is a Serif font and when I used the samples (above right) of this font it is nearly identical to the font Heat actually uses.   

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