Wednesday 4 February 2015

Article plan

Images I need to shoot: 

  • Their dressing room- with shoes, bag, clothes, accessories that they borrow. 
  • Scripts/ meeting with directors- to connote that what the stars say on screen is scripted. 
  • An argument with a drink poured over them, and then them hugging off screen- to show the rows aren't genuine and are staged for TV. 
  • A couple that has supposedly split up but are actually still together off screen.  

Quotes from the cast to include: 

  • "We are pressured to look a certain way". 
  • "We are just normal people who earn a normal living, but in a way for everyone to see". 
  • "We don't think of ourselves as celebrities because that isn't us. It's like saying Cinderella is your role model; it's not realistic". 
  • "We are flattered that people think of us as role models but really we aspire to the way we are portrayed on screen too. The majority of the expensive clothes and accessories we are seen to have are either given to us to promote their brand or stuff we have to give back to the wardrobe department after filming". 
  • "We feel largely to blame for the consumer culture among young people nowadays. They are so image conscious because we emphasis the importance of having the latest things when really these things matter the least. This is why when we do appearances we try to show the other side of us- our nice, friendly and unpretentious side because we don't want to encourage a generation of b**ches as well [laughs]".  
People to use in my images: 

  • I have decided to use my friendship group for the images because the pictures will be more natural. They won't need to 'act' their friendships in the images and they will therefore be easier to take. 
  • These girls are Emily McCafferty, Janie Stanley, Holly Wetherell, Rosie Levett, Florence Clarke, Ellie Martin and Emily Wetherell. 
  • I will ask the girls to bring clothes, bags, shoes, watches etc. to make the images look more authentic of TOWIE and to highlight consumerism. 
  • I will need to plan a time where all of the girls are available to participate in my photo-shoot- which may pose practical issues. 
Appearance of the article: 
  • The background design of my double-page will look like a scrapbook, as if the behind the scenes focus has been taken from the cast's diaries; hence the quotes from the cast. 
  • Their will be ink splashes in the foreground, and the images embedded into the article will appear to have been stuck down by tape. 
  • I have taken this inspiration from Heat's article on Ricky Gervais (below)as I think this is a really effective way of making readers think they're getting exclusive information. This could be linked to the Uses and Gratifications theory (Bulmer and Katz) in that readers use this article for personal relationships and see the cast members as friends.    

Gantt chart: 

  • I have created a gantt chart to plan my time effectively from now until completion of the project. 
  • This will ensure I complete all tasks in time for the deadline and have enough time required for each task. 

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