Wednesday 4 February 2015

Layout digrams

I have created rough layout diagrams of how I will set out my front cover and double page spread as guidelines to make my designing process simpler. To do this I used Microsoft Published, sized A4 because this is the actual size of Heat magazine. 
  • I have used different colour boxes to clearly highlight the space dedication of all the different articles. 
  • I have included all the conventions of Heat's magazine's front covers such as it's masthead, slogan, date, issue number, website, and barcode/ price details. All of this is taken from my research of their front covers.  

  • Here I have been conventional to Heat's house style by dedication most of the space to images. 
  • The text will be organised into 4 columns which is conventional to Heat. 
  • Because I want to create a whole picture of behind the scenes of TOWIE, I have chosen to use lots of little images instead of one large one as I feel this will give a better insight into all the different aspects of filming. 
  • I have included Heat conventions e.g. page number, date, their website and the page title. 
  • Above the headline I will include the title 'TOWIE' so readers instantly know the focus of the article. During my research of their double-page spreads I noted that they often do this with their cover stories, for example 'Jordan vs Pete'. 

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